Our Ultimate List: 101 Electrician Blog Post Ideas

Electrical wiring is a cabling installation through which electrical power or energy is distributed to several devices (like fuses, switches, sockets, lights, fans, etc.) associated with electricity, in a structured manner for a seamless power supply. When electrical wiring is done correctly in an area (say in a building), then the load control is better. The wiring conductors in that area/building can be used economically. Several types of wires are available in the market, and each has a different use. And before starting an electrical project involving electrical connections, an individual has to learn about the types of wires and the types of wiring connections for understanding, which best suits the structure.

Electrical wiring is the web of cabling installation through which electrical power or energy is distributed to various outlets like fuses, switches, sockets, lights, fans, etc. Wiring is the distribution of electrical power through wires that is most suitable to the electrical and economic requirements of a particular place. It is associated with the electricity supply, in a structured manner for seamless power supply. When electrical wiring is properly conducted in a structure like say a building, then the control and dispersion of load are better. These wiring conductors in that area, building, home, etc can be used economically.

There are many types of wires which are available in the market, with each type of wire having a different use. The most important thing to remember here is that before starting an electrical project involving electrical connections, the individual has to learn about the types of wires and the types of wiring connections for understanding which form of electrical wiring shall be most appropriate for the building.

Electrical Wires

A single electrical conductor or a single channel that can carry electricity is called a wire. The conductor part of the wire is made up of copper or aluminum or copper-sheathed aluminum wrapped inside a non-conductive coating of plastic. Whereas the assembly of one or more of these wires in a different manner (side-by-side, bundled, etc.) for carrying an electric current is called a cable.It is essential to understand the types of wires and their characteristics regulated by the National Electrical Code (NEC) for various applications and installations. For choosing a correct composition, the following factors of electrical wires must be noticed.

  • Size of the Wires – The wire size ranges are determined by the wire gauge. Some standard wire sizes are 10, 12, 14, 18, etc. And say for around 10Amps, 18-gauge of wire will be required. And for 100Amps, a 2-gauge wire will be required.

  • The Lettering of the Wires – The insulation in wire types is represented by certain letters as per the instructions of NEC. The combinations like THHN, THWN, THW, and THHN are some popular types of wire insulations.

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